School Policies



The Vista High School Staff desires that all students have a positive experience during the school year. The following school policies are established and will be strictly enforced to provide students and their parents/guardians with an environment that is safe and secure by adhering to the rules and regulations as set forth by the Kern High School District. 

Cheryl Thompson, Th.D., Site Administrator


CLOSED CAMPUS: Vista High School is a CLOSED CAMPUS throughout the day. Students may NOT leave the campus at any time during the school day without permission.


Off campus lunch passes will NOT be granted.


DRESS CODE: The following items are NOT allowed.


  • No pro or college sports apparel (jerseys, caps, nylon caps, shirts, hoodies, etc.)
  • No head covering of any kind (hats, caps, bandanas, hair nets, sun visors, beanies, etc.) other than Vista apparel.
  • No bare midriffs or revealing clothing or tops with straps less than 2 inches wide.
  • No short skirts, muscle shirts, mesh shirts, or visible undergarments.
  • No PAJAMAS or house shoes/slippers.
  • No “sagging” of pants.
  • No gang-related clothing.
  • No R.I.P. (or in memory of) Shirts, buttons, or signs.
  • No profane, vulgar or otherwise inappropriate lettering.
  • No clothing with ethnic or racial references or references to sex, drugs, tobacco or alcohol.
  • No studded, spiked jewelry, or pointy ear gages.


PROHIBITED ITEMS: Due to safety and campus disruption concerns, the following items are prohibited from use on the school campus.

  • MP3 player or IPod device
  • Laser Pen or Device
  • Skateboards
  • Cell phones are allowed, but must be turned off during all school hours.

Any of these items found on campus will be confiscated and will only be returned to a parent/guardian.


ATTENDANCE: All students are expected to be attending classes every school day unless excused by a parent/guardian. The attendance policy at Vista High School includes being on time for each class period. Classroom cuts are NOT be allowed and will be strictly enforced. 85% attendance is required to attain credit.

v To clear your student’s absence a parent/guardian must call Mrs. Servin-Beltran at 327-8561 within 72 hours (3 school days).

If you have any questions please call the school office at 661-327-8561, Monday-Friday, between 9:21 a.m. and 3:35 p.m. for information. A spanish version will be added soon. Thank you.